Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The New Little "Writer's Block"

(the new little "writer's block")

        Life and "dream career" sometimes collide and you are left having to pick which is more important at this very moment in time. This is where I ended up four weeks ago. With the last weeks of pregnancy wreaking havoc on my body and early induction turned emergency C-section, I would like to introduce my new little "Writer's block".

    Writing itself is sometimes cumbersome and you are left forcing to continue to write when you feel like doing something else (like all careers at times.) However, the new addition to my family has left me lacking even more than usual. I am not at all upset about it. I love the cute little bundle. She makes my heart melt with her facial expressions. I find myself falling more in love with her every day not understanding how my already filled heart could provide any more room. It does and I continue to find more room. I love her so much.

   Anyway, back to the purpose of this blog. Taking care of a newborn is tough work! Juggling a keyboard and a baby at the same time is almost impossible. So please bare with me as I work through feeding and sleeping schedules while still working on Ty and Kimber finding romance. It is sometimes a leap for me to make into romance when I am up to elbows in poopie diapers and spit up covered onesies but I am finding my path once more.

   I have put a slight pause on working on the second book, Fleur de Lis, to re-edit my first book. One of my lovely secret readers has finished my book with a lot of feedback and corrections! Yay! No, for real, I mean YAY! Having her edit and ask questions gives me another set of eyes. This allows me to correct things I may have over looked. Kimber's world lives within me. I know her life as much as I know my own. As such, I may overlook things that need to be answered. So having my wonderful friends read over it helps make my book better!

  So thank you to my secret readers! One day I hope to pay you back!

   So where I stand right now:
- Re-editing Totem
- Slowly working on "Fleur de Lis"
- Quickly learning the in's and out's of Motherhood

Until next time Blog world! (which will be sooner rather than later!)