Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Book update:


After doing a few extensive edits to my manuscript. I have decided to give it the "Ol' College Try" to get it traditionally published. I sent it out to a list of different agents in hopes that one would bite, but I fear from listening to all of the agent interviews I can get my hands on that they will deem my topic "Over Done".
That is fine. I believe in the project enough to work hard on getting it out there. That is why if I do not hear anything back with in this month, I will be going forward with publishing it on Amazon. I believe in my characters and my story. My opinion of it does not change as I read over it again and again trying to make it better.
The publishing world is one tough cookie. I understand that agents get thousands of queries a month. I understand completely. I personally would not want to sift through those e-mails and pick who's dreams I want to make come true and who I am going to let down. I do, however, sit on the other side. I am the person countlessly searching agencies, continuously reading agent bios and trying to decide if they would care an inkling about my manuscript.
As Douglas Adams once said, "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by."
Mr. Adams must have been trying to bring his work to as perfect as he could when he missed that deadline and I feel the same way.

So please bare with me as I take one more shot at my dreams of getting TOTEM traditionally published before I do it independently. Thank you.

Lots of Love,


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